Curious about sizing your solar energy storage?

2024.07.11 Share:

The rapid development of energy storage technology and the widespread application of distributed photovoltaics have driven the rise of energy storage systems in industrial parks. As an innovative energy solution, energy storage exhibits many advantages in industrial park applications, not only improving the reliability and flexibility of the power system, but also achieving efficient energy utilization, while promoting the sustainable development and economic benefits of enterprises.

So how do we calculate the capacity of the photovoltaic energy storage system? We can start from the following aspects!


I. Determine the Energy Demand


Off-grid or grid-connected?

How much electricity is needed per day?

What is the maximum load demand?

This step requires detailed analysis of the electricity demand, including the electricity consumption on weekdays and holidays, as well as the electricity load during peak and off-peak periods. This will provide a basis for the subsequent planning of the photovoltaic system and energy storage system.


II. Evaluate the Photovoltaic System Capacity


Consider the local solar radiation conditions

Select the appropriate photovoltaic panel type and quantity

Estimate the expected daily power generation of the photovoltaic system

Through the analysis of local solar resources and photovoltaic system parameters, the power generation capacity of the photovoltaic system can be roughly predicted, providing data support for the planning of the energy storage system.


III. Determine the Energy Storage Capacity


Determine the load power (kW) and discharge time (h)

Analyze the electricity consumption and charging behavior, and select the appropriate experience coefficient

Calculate the required energy storage capacity

Based on the load conditions and photovoltaic power generation characteristics, the experience coefficient method is used to calculate the required energy storage capacity. Typically, for users who charge at noon and use electricity in the morning and evening, the coefficient is 0.6; for users who charge in the morning and evening and use electricity at noon, the coefficient is 0.6; for users who charge and use electricity at noon, the coefficient is 0.5; for users who charge and use electricity in the morning and evening, the coefficient is 0.4.


For example, for a user with an annual electricity consumption of 5,000 kWh, using the morning and evening charging, morning and evening usage mode, the required energy storage capacity is:


(5,000 kWh/year / 365) * 0.4 = 5.5 kWh/day


IV. Determine the Energy Storage Mode and Installation Location


Centralized energy storage (prefabricated container) or distributed energy storage?

Choose the appropriate installation location for the energy storage system

Based on the specific situation, choose the centralized or distributed energy storage mode, and determine the appropriate installation location, considering factors such as safety and convenience.


V. Consider System Efficiency and Lifespan


Energy storage system efficiency loss

Service life of energy storage equipment

When determining the energy storage capacity, it is also necessary to consider the efficiency loss of the energy storage system and the replacement cost of the equipment after retirement, and appropriately increase the capacity to ensure that the entire photovoltaic energy storage system can meet the electricity demand.


In summary, calculating the capacity of the photovoltaic energy storage system requires comprehensive consideration of electricity demand, photovoltaic system capacity, energy storage characteristics and other factors, and selecting the appropriate system configuration based on the specific situation to achieve reliable power supply and economic operation.

About Junno energy

Junno Energy (zhejiang)Co., a solution provider in the new energy industry of photovoltaics,energy storage and charging piles.We are committed to providing customers with hight-quality and comprehensive solutions!Whether you are interested in our projects or want to learn more about new energy,liease feel to contact us at any time!

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